“Milk makes tired men awake” – with this Slogan the dairy industry to be promoted in the fifty years to the attention of the customers. And many a child had to learn that only big and strong, who is drinking milk. But in the meantime, the picture of the healthy food gets scratches.
Some researchers Express the suspicion that some of the ingredients of milk can cause cancer. What is the Thesis?
Can milk cause cancer?
Evaluation: in fact, there are vague references to the fact that cow’s milk contains pathogens, which could promote the development of cancer cells. Reliable research results, there is not yet.
What observation studies
The reason for the presumption is that the consumption of milk may contribute to the development of cancer, to provide, among other things, observational studies in populations, such as the German cancer research center (Deutsches krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) have been reported. So there is, for example, in countries with a high milk – and beef consumption rates are also high colon cancer.
A stir of new knowledge of medicine-Nobel prize winner Harald zur Hausen, and the DKFZ provided in February. The researchers found in cow’s milk and in beef, previously unknown pathogens, one of which is a risk to humans could be. The so-called Bovine Meat and Milk Factors (BMMF) are, according to the DKFZ suspected to cause chronic inflammation, which, in turn, have a higher risk for colon and possibly breast and prostate cancer result.
For their study, zur Hausen and his colleagues blood sera of hundreds of European dairy cows and analyzed milk and dairy products from the super markets. In addition, they took blood samples from healthy individuals and colon cancer patients. The result was, according to the researchers: The BMMF found not only in animal products, but also in the studied human cells. Not yet give a reliable estimate of leave, however, the significance of the pathogen for the development of tumors were.
The scientists suspect that humans are infected within their first year of life with BMMF, because your immune system is not Mature in this period. Hence, the experts conclude that infants fed early with cow’s milk, but rather to the twelfth month of breast-fed should be. In adulthood, however, avoidance of cow’s milk and beef is pointless, because the infection is already done.
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Further research is needed
The Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) emphasizes that these findings and recommendations are based on a very thin data basis. The extent to which BMMF affect the risk of cancer, could not yet be assessed reliably, according to a company statement, which was released a few weeks ago. A further exploration of the infectious agents is urgently needed. For the BfR independent scientists, the results of the Federal government in an Advisory capacity to work.
The BfR does not exclude that the of zur Hausen’s Thesis is true, the consumption of cow’s milk, the BfR recommends that for the time being, fully. That should reassure a lot of people, because until today, dairy products were high on the shopping lists of the Germans: In the last year, the Per capita consumption of fresh dairy products, according to the provisional Figures of the dairy industry Association for well 88 kilograms. In addition, each bought from us an average of 24 pounds of cheese and almost six kilos of Butter.
Micro-ribonucleic acids in the milk
Another theory on the connection between milk and cancer development of the skin doctor Bodo Melnik, who teaches, among other things, as a Professor at the University of Osnabrück represents. His research focuses on the milk contained in the micro-ribonucleic acids (miRNA). Melnik assumes that these acids are transferred to the consumption of dairy products, such as a Virus on the human body – and here harm, by influencing the activity of the genes.
The growth-promoting effect of the miRNA could lead to the emergence of malignant tumors. And Melnik warns: “The consumer is currently the genmanipulier effect of the miRNA of the cattle ends exposed and unconscious.”
This view is in science, however, is highly controversial. Thus, the BfR had assumed, “that the effects of the milk recorded miRNAs on human health are considered to be very unlikely.” The Federal Institute refers to the fact that the acids can be degraded in the human body. “The current scientific findings provide no reason to dissuade the General population from the consumption of milk and dairy products in the recommended and commonly used in Germany, consumption quantities,” said a spokesman.
The concept of a cancer-causing or cancer-promoting effect of individual milk components are on more than shaky legs. Further research is in the opinion of all experts is urgently necessary to improve the data situation and to achieve reliable results.