Connection between modern diet and the diseases of civilization
We eat ourselves sick? A Kiel research team with a new hypothesis of the whole of the modern diet in question. The researchers make the constant Oversupply of food is responsible for many chronic intestinal inflammation, which have increased since the end of the second world war abruptly. According to their hypothesis, bacteria remove gut by Overfeeding from their original tasks, and encouraging the emergence of diseases.
All animals and plants are colonized by microorganisms, the numerous tasks in the body. The Interaction of the microbes will work through current research, more and more clearly. Long ago, it is clear that the Microbiome plays a crucial role in the health of the people. The special research area of 1182 at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, researching the Emergence and Functioning of meta-organisms. In a recent study, which was presented in the journal “mBio”, the researchers made a connection between the modern diet and the development of various chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
Overfeeding in the gut
Inflammatory diseases are caused by a food glut and the associated disruption of the natural bacterial colonization of the intestine. Thus, the hypothesis of the Kiel research team is. The man got his food within the last decades, to an unbalanced, energy and fibre-poor fashion that offers a durable high and at the same time, simply utilizing supply of nutrients. According to the special research area (SFB) 1182 this leads to the fact that some intestinal bacteria of the intermediate products of metabolism (metabolites) to feed, but directly on the Oversupply of nutrients to operate. As a result, the intestinal bacteria of the host decouple. There are no interactions find more and the original object of the organisms is eliminated.
What are the consequences of such a decoupling?
“This Overfeeding the bacteria and promotes their growth overall, certain types of bacteria multiply to the detriment of other members of the Multiple amplified and uncontrolled”, summarizes Professor Thomas Bosch from the SFB 1182 in a press release. As a result, the composition of the bacteria colonization, as well as the interactions between bacteria and the host organism for a change. This could lead to serious disturbances in the intestinal flora and a so-called dysbiosis cause a harmful imbalance in the gut Microbiome.
The influence of the Multiple makes people sick
Other research approaches showed similar fatal effects, if the human Microbiome is negatively affected. As previous studies showed that excessive Hygiene and an intensive antibiotic use can disrupt the Microbiome permanently, and the people more susceptible to disease. Recent findings have demonstrated that the microorganisms play a crucial role in the health of humans and animals. For more information, read the article: Not just antibiotics – also, every fourth Drug destroys our intestinal flora.
The origin lies in the sea
Starting point of the hypothesis-to-date research work on the corals. The research group at Kiel University showed how bacteria decouple from the coral, if the nutrient ratios in the sea water to rise. The coral-Microbiome unit through the Exodus out of Balance. The result is that the coral get sick. “In this connection between the availability of nutrients and the Balance of the host-bacteria relationships, we see a universal principle that goes far beyond this very special example of the coral and beyond”, stressed first author of the study Dr. Tim Lachnit. In further model tests, the Team was able to confirm this connection even in the case of fresh-water polyps. The researchers come to the conclusion: “The Experiment findings can be more likely to have on human health transfer.”
Can be cured with a disturbed intestinal flora?
So far, the medicine tries to treat a disturbed Microbiome, for example, by administration of probiotics or stool transplants. The new hypothesis has now been opened further approaches for research and therapies. It is now time to find out whether the Microbiome adjust by a certain diet new and healthy to restore.
Researchers see potential in the fasting
The Kiel research team would like to investigate in further studies the therapeutic potential of this hypothesis. Because the bacteria are overfed literally, see the researchers to the therapeutic potential in therapeutic fasting. “In the future, we will be Lachnit deal with us, for example, in addition to the known health-promoting effects of fasting with its impact on the composition and function of the Multiple and the course of inflammatory diseases,” said. (vb)