Nitrogen oxide limits: Eckart von hirschhausen counters the opinion of the 100 lung doctors

Eckart von Hirschhausen has made air. On the social network Facebook the doctor who was in Germany as a presenter, and comedian, known posted on Saturday, a longer Text, in which he comments on the hotly debated opinion of 100 German lung doctors.

This position recently in a Letter against the current nitrogen oxide limits. Already in the Heading to his Post hirschhausen clarifies his opinion on the subject with the words: “Why I prefer the exhaust gases of cyclists breathe as cars;”

Then it goes on: Hirschhausen, that “a few Doctors is unjustified a lot of media attention” had been given. In five points, he explains why higher air pollution will lead to a higher mortality, and that citizens in a greater degree affected by this circumstance. For Hirschhausen Dirty air makes people sick is not clear “.”

To expresses the opinion of a pulmonary physician, Professor Dieter Koehler of the comedian with clear words. “If a former pulmonary doctor of 3400 professionals just 100 behind his crude opinion can bring do to the signature, is sad enough, if he the Boulevard and the Minister of transport, applaud.”

“Health Economics”?

In his opinion the limits are intended to protect “[ … ] the most Vulnerable: people with Lung conditions, the elderly and children.” The policy Eckart von hirschhausen in his Facebook Posting. According to him, is argued in the discussion of populist and the “health of the Economy”.

At the end of Hausen is for deer clear: “The air you Breathe cannot choose a person that is a public Good.” And Doctors should, in his opinion, the First, “the call for a change in the mobility, away from Diesel and petrol to cost-free transport with the emission-poor transport, Bus and train and lots of bike-friendly cities.”

For his Fans in the Post seems to have gone well. The contribution of Eckart to Hirschhausen has now been shared over 1,000 times.

Meanwhile, the debate around the impact of nitrogen’s oxides and fine dust. “The Forum of the International lung societies” (FIRS) values to the current German and European border, strongly opposed to the circle led by Professor Dieter Koehler. Last has expressed the Federal government, officially, on the question of a possible “speed limit of 130”. Accordingly, such a step is not planned currently. There are other measures that are better suited to promoting climate protection, such as government spokesman Steffen Seibert said.

This article was written by GQ

*The contribution of “Eckart counters von hirschhausen the opinion of the 100 lung doctors” comes from GQ. There is no editorial review by FOCUS Online. Contact with the executives here.