Travel game: be Faster with a variety of interval units

During the travel game you can switch while running several times their pace, each runner is determined individually, how fast and how long the individual passages are.

Who wants to be Running specifically faster, must run in Training, and once again faster. Many of them are on the interval training, with intensive periods of Stress and shorter recovery periods alternate.

With its solid specifications, the classic interval training, target is a leader, but acts a little stiff. In addition, carefully planned interval units with a fixed distance and time constraints this is not for everyone. Just the monotonous rounds-Turn on the career of a local sports club many runners from the interval training is off-putting. To zuspulen week set times the same training unit, the same intervals, the same track, which can be pretty boring.

The travel game is different. This Form of interval training is spontaneous, free of any time or distance requirements. You alone will determine the duration and intensity of the load phases, but also the duration of your recovery periods. A game can, for example, alternating consist of

  • short Sprints from tree to tree,
  • Trabpausen to the next Park bench,
  • fast sections of up to three minutes or
  • quickly run pieces once around a lake.

The game with the speed is the exact opposite of boring. You can by this method of training not only faster, but also bring fresh Wind in the training unit to a pulp. It does not matter whether you are a highly ambitious and experienced marathon runner or recently Running started: The journey game can be in every training plan to fit it in.

“The content of the game depending on the terrain. It is, for example, hill sprints, coordination, runs on slightly sloping terrain, changes in tempo in uphill and tempo changes, with a predominant Duration of the movement speed can be varied and free to the desire, ability and Motivation are combined. Mental stamina, concentration, conversion capability and regeneration capability will be addressed by this training method, and improved”, the sports scientist Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse know.

The Only thing that is specified in the travel game, is the total length. Here you should ensure that you the duration of your usual run-of-round not to exceed.

The sense of the game, however, is just start walking and completely haphazard and increase the pace until exhaustion. Despite the individual and spontaneous design possibilities there are when you Travel to take note of a few things:

  • Listen to your body: it Fit the rhythm and duration of the stresses of your day to. The average speed in a game is usually not higher than the normal continuous run.
  • To load the following relief: So that the Training leads to success, that is to say, more speed and more endurance, should be faster and relaxing your toes, or Gehpausen always alternate. The phase of the Load, the more pronounced the break is: The more intense.
  • Take advantage of natural topographic conditions: it is Recommended if you are in the travel game at prominent points along the route to Orient. So you have to during the individual periods of Stress is always a goal in mind.
  • You are the Boss: running Together is fun. During the travel game you should, however, not by the speed of their followers, but on their own individual daily training hear form.

The journey game the individual training stimuli and the training success is significantly worse plan, document and evaluate than the classical interval training. For serious runners in need of selected stress stimuli to increase performance and at the same time no injury – for example, by Overtraining – want to take the risk, the travel game, therefore, a welcome change in daily training. Can’t replace it with interval training, however.


Froböse, I.: Running & Health. Compendium of healthy Running, Walking & Nordic Walking. The centre for health at the German sport University, Cologne 2016

Beck, H.: The big book of Marathon: running training with the System. Stiebner Verlag GmbH, Grünwald 2016

Steffens, T.: Run-Learn from the Stars. Meyer & Meyer Verlag, Aachen, 2011

  • Training plan for runners
  • Training plan for the Ambitious: As I prepared for the race
  • The 5 most common beginner’s errors when you Run – and how to avoid them


*The contribution of “travel game: Faster with varied Interval sessions” will be released by Onmeda. Contact with the executives here.