Many students suffer from headaches

Anyone who thinks that chronic headaches were an adult problem, is wrong. Because recurrent headache is common, according to a survey among students and meets with girls significantly more often than boys.

Experts of the German children’s pain centre at the Vestischen children’s and adolescents ‘ clinic in Datteln have just surveyed 2300 children and young people in urban regions in North Rhine-Westphalia. These went in the fifth to tenth class.

The most important results:

  • Approximately 40 percent suffered from a chronic pain, especially chronic head pain. Chronic means according to a popular Definition, that the pain occurs for at least three months at least once in a month.
  • Chronic headaches more than one in four students (27 percent) complained. The girls were affected, with 35 per cent, much more frequently than boys, with 18 percent.
  • Among the students with chronic headaches, 80 percent had experienced this at least once per week.
  • Every third one with recurrent headache missed, therefore, education.
  • In addition to headaches, the children and young people also had frequent muscle and joint pain (20 percent) and abdominal pain (18 percent) reported.

The girls are more frequently affected by headache, you probably also biological reasons – such as the Onset of Menstruation as well as psychological and emotional.

High consumption of Medicines is surprising and alarming

A good three-quarters of the children and young people with chronic head pain said that they had taken in the last three months of medicines – an average of four days in the month. In about 13 percent of the cases even seven days. Girl grab in the process, according to the study, more frequent pain medication than boys. “The high consumption of Medicines has surprised us and is alarming,” says study leader Julia Wager.

Drugs are not in tension headache is by far the only means. A lot of other things can help – fresh air, exercise, and distraction. Young people must be clear that pain relievers can have side effects. “And that you can actively do something against the pain,” said Wager.

Chronic headaches are favored according to the study by media consumption. There is a connection, but “not a massive risk,” says Wagner. Because usually there is more than one cause for recurrent headache. So also the quality of sleep may play a role. If you are not feeling well in school or his school performance is comparatively low rating, tend to also be more at risk. Exercise can help to reduce the risk for chronic head pain.