Kita in food only vaccinated children

In this privately-run kindergarten, parents must bring the Vaccination card of their child – otherwise, you can go right back to The “box” in Essen, and four more connected to the Hoards to take from now on only children, to have the Standing Committee on vaccination recommended vaccinations or if they are old enough.

“Our parents’ Council is holding the vaccination is necessary and useful. And many parents join because they want to protect their children,” says Kita-operator Jutta Behrwind. Unvaccinated children would be rejected at the time of registration, it said. Because some vaccinations to wait, when children are already in kindergarten, are to be pointed out to the parents early on this duty.

Vaccination certificate instead of birth certificate

“So how Catholic institutions can be a baptismal certificate submit, we require a vaccination booklet of the parents,” says the operator Jutta Behrwind. First of all, WAZ reported Online and in the WDR.

Around 60 children aged from four months to three years of age attend five after-school centres in private ownership, the “children box”, “bear gang”, “South-city-rascals”, the “Ruhr valley raiders” and “West-town-imp”. So far, it had been requested at sign-in discussions of the vaccination status of the children. There were gaps, has been offered the vaccinations and the parents is recommended, the vaccination voluntarily. Now I have spoken but of the 13 members of the parents Council, the day-care centre for a duty.

Jutta Behrwind had long struggled for it. “If all the vaccinated, are protected for all. In our daycare center a lot of siblings, children and pregnant Mamas.” Problems with diseases by unvaccinated children have not given it yet, however.

The response to the measure is consistently positive, so Behrwind. Many parents welcomed that infections with diseases will be better prevented. During the current sign-in talks have so far practiced in only a single father, criticism of the new scheme.

Opponents fear the risks of vaccination, or doubt their effectiveness. These positions are rejected by the professional world almost unanimously as inaccurate and unscientific.

The Kita may? Yes!

According to the city of Essen, private day-care carrier for a target, such as the vaccination do not need the permission of the authorities, says a city spokeswoman. You could set your contracts. The health Department of the city of Essen considers the measure of the “children box” but it is a good idea. For municipal day-care centres is, however, no mandatory vaccination, said Director Rainer Kundt, according to a CTR report.

The professional Association of child and youth doctors in favour of the idea of vaccination. “We are calling for something for all publicly-funded institutions and a legal system,” said spokesman Hermann-Josef Kahl.