Interval fasting: New study shows positive effects

To the beginning of the year a lot of people to live a healthier life. A simple method to implement this might be intermittent fasting. Showing a new overview of work in the "The New England Journal of Medicine".

The neuroscientist Mark Mattson studied for 25 years, the health effects of intermittent fasting, in which only within a period of six to eight hours per day is eaten. Another method is not or only very little to eat for two days, a week even, while for the other five days, no restrictions.

Mattson believes that most people can implement with instructions and a little patience interval fasting permanently. It takes however some time until the body gets used to it. He recommends: "The patient should be noted that the feeling of Hunger and irritability initially, often, and usually after two weeks to a month passes, when the body and brain have adapted to the new habit." Therefore, he advises to increase the duration and frequency of almost periods, over several months gradually.

Various advantages für the health

The change between fasting and eating, supports cell health, probably due to a switch of the metabolism, if the available energy is consumed sugar-based, and the cells begin to burn fat. Studies have shown that this switch improves the blood sugar regulation and inflammation suppressed. Who takes three meals a day plus between meals, brings the enjoyment of these advantages.

Further positive effects were observed in the case of intermittent fasting, are a lower blood pressure, better blood lipid levels and a lowering of the heart rate at rest. Recent studies suggest that interval improved fast, mental performance and memory, and possibly the development of dementia inhibits.