Because of antibiotic failure: method of healing from the Cold war to protect us

For decades, antibiotics were able to reliably protect against harmful bacteria. But in the meantime we have to fight with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Remedy could create the phage method from Eastern Europe. Now a large research started in Germany project.

Gone are the times in which Penicillin and other antibiotics as a miracle weapon were considered. Resistance to antibiotics and multi-resistant germs from spreading. Around 33,000 people per year in Europe, these Super-organisms such as multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus to the victims, of which 2400 in Germany alone, and the trend is rising. These latest Figures announced by the EU epidemic authority ECDC in the journal Lancet.

Phage therapy in Eastern Europe, proven for a long time

Because bacteria have the ability to this resistance to other germs to pass on, the antibiotic therapy irrevocably to their limits. An Alternative is therefore urgently needed. But what was in some Western countries, such as Germany, is hardly known: It has been around for a long time a treatment, which destroys without antibiotics, or in addition to antibiotics, the bacteria quickly and safely – the so-called phage therapy, which is carried out for decades in the former Soviet Union very successfully.

In the Cold war, antibiotics were scarce, and so we took advantage of phage as a bacteria fighter. The Georgian Eliava Institute for phage therapy, developed into a center of research and delivered to his weddings with 1500 employees, the entire Soviet Union with drugs.

“Has begun the phage therapy 100 years ago, in principle, soon after their double discovery by Frederick Twort and Félix d