So complaints in the menopause can be avoided

Complaints in the menopause: change of life style can help

According to health experts, approximately four million women in Germany suffer during menopause severe symptoms such as sweating, hot flushes, sleep disturbances or mood swings. A change of lifestyle can help the Affected.

One in every three women without menopausal symptoms

Around four million women in Germany suffer in the change of severe symptoms such as sweating, hot flushes, sleep disturbances or mood swings. However, not all women are the typical complaints. “About a third of all women suffers from severe menopausal symptoms, another third under light, and the Rest comes without the typical problems caused by this phase of life,” explains Heidi Guenther, a pharmacist at Barmer in a message. According to the expert, a modification of life-style is helpful to come to terms with the hormonal changes and their effects.

Hormonal Changes

On average, the Menopause – the last menstrual period sets in with the beginning of 50. Some women report, but with 40 years of the first signs of the onset of menopause.

The menopause are not a disease, but are part of the natural aging process of a woman, the hormonal balance is surrounded, especially, the proportion of sex hormones, Progestogens and the Oestrogens.

How the hormonal changes are experienced in the body, is very individual. With the decreased production of the female hormone Estrogen (pre-menopause) can occur in the first symptoms.

The list of complaints is long: hot flashes and heart palpitations, sleep disturbances, Depressive moods, dryness, and infections of the vagina and urinary problems are some are only.

They all have a strong influence on the quality of life.

Natural Therapy Options

According to some health experts, the most effective treatment is a hormone treatment, but without treatment, the symptoms in almost all affected women with the time and go back eventually.

In addition, a variety of natural therapy options are available.

As stated in the communication from the insurance company, can be a change of lifestyle is helpful to come to terms with the hormonal changes and their effects.

“Sport and relaxation techniques, as well as a good Dose of Serenity can be used to alleviate menopause-related complaints significantly. The Learning of Meditation, Tai Chi or Yoga brings in this phase of life some rest in everyday life,“ says Heidi Guenther.

A Phase of upheaval

According to the pharmacist, the time of the menopause is for many women, a Phase of upheaval. The children were self-employed and some women-oriented new career or would be shorter, because the parents needed more help.

The woman doctor could assist the women affected in the case of severe symptoms with hormone replacement therapy. However, not every woman could do something to have the inner balance to find.

“It often helps to change in the change of the setting of your own a little, to move the view. Because they are a natural phenomenon and not a disease,“ says Günther.

“Those who can, to come up with Serenity, mindfulness and physical activity through the menopause, can increase your well-being considerably,” says the expert.

Sport and movement strengthened in addition, the muscle strength and agility, and had a positive effect on the cardiovascular System.

Balanced Diet

Other professionals that may be suitable also herbal medications to Supplement the prescribed hormone therapy – this with consideration of possible interactions, always in consultation with a doctor.

To note is that herbal drugs also have side effects and in combination with drugs interactions.

Highly recommended a well-balanced, carbohydrate reduced diet, less meat more vegetables and fruit.